Fill out W9 2020 digitally for US residents

Form W-9 is required in order to notify a company working with a US resident or employer to pay taxes for it. This form changes over time, and the latest version of the 2020 W 9 form can be found with out help.

Having printed the form, it is necessary to fill it out accurately, without corrections, since any blots will cause the acceptance of the form. To do this, print the form and then start filling it out. However, it is much easier to fill out a form on the Internet, without downloaded. To do this, go to the IRS, or to the website of another organization, where you can get an online form, fill it out, and send the completed form to the employer.

Benefits of the online version

There are a number of advantages to choosing filling a computer version from a form website. These benefits include:

  • Convenience – no need to print out a form, fill out manually and look for W 9 form exemptions;
  • You can easily correct errors online, without blots;
  • Using the electronic form is absolutely free, and does not require any costs, neither for filling out, nor for sending by mail;
  • You can fill out anywhere in the world, having a computer with you and access to the Internet;
  • Easily send via email, wherever and to anyone.


Thus, choosing from two forms of filling blank W 9, it is best to pay attention to the ease of filling and use. The advantages of the electronic form to fill out are not in doubt and make this form preferable for selection by US residents.