The most popular ways to send W-9 electronically

Tax documents can be submitted variously. Requesters may ask the payees to send W-9 electronically and this request presumes various convenient methods.

The procedures and their features are shown in the following table.

Type of Communication Details
Special system It is established by the requester. As soon as the vendor enters the information, it is sent automatically.
Fax The document is sent to the specified fax number using the stand-alone device.
Internet mail The info is sent online to the definite email address.

In general, sending a W-9 via email is the most accessible and simple way.

How to fill W-9 in? Electronic communication methods

There is a couple of tips which can help complete and provide the forms correctly:

  • provide the same records as in the paper format;
  • make sure you are able to supply a p-version as and when required by IRS or the requester.

How to Sign?

The contractor must authenticate and verify the submission using the digital signature. It should be under penalties of perjury and the perjury statement should comply with the language of the paper version.

Safety Hints

Some aspects are to be considered before the transfer.

  • Check if the data received is the data sent.
  • Assure yourself you can keep track of all occasions of user access resulting in the handing over.
  • Ensure that someone accessing the e-copy is the person identified on the hard copy.

The agent who wants to send W-9 securely should follow the above-mentioned recommendations. Remember, the information leakage is impermissible.