Top documents that used by individuals who work in USA

There are a number of the most common documents that are necessary to ensure lawful and peaceful work in the United States.

Those who are going to work in USA have to know the details about the most recent documentation needed for being allowed working in foreign country and about tax forms that have to be filled in 2018. Filling in of such documents is not too complicated. It is needed to answer the questions one by one, try not to miss anything. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right doc for completing.

The purposes of popular tax blanks

  • Form I-9
    The employer is obliged to check the right of the employee to work in the USA. The employee must fill out I-9 to make it possible. This document is completed only after the employee accepts the offer from the employer and starts his work.
  • Form W-4
    The document on the tax deductions from the employee. The blank specifies a “withheld tax” on the salary that the employer is required to pay to the tax authorities.
  • W8BEN
    This US tax blank must be filled by any person who is not a US resident, but who receives money from a company located in the United States.
  • 1040
    The doc of the tax return submitted by individuals before 15th of April each year with a report about income for the previous year. This one is the longest doc and is filled by persons with high incomes or taxpayers who claim tax deductions.
  • Form W-9
    Printable W-9 form of the US Internal Revenue Service, which is used to determine the status of a US taxpayer with mandatory indication of the taxpayer identification number.Completed signable W-9 includes confidential information, such as a social security number of a person. These data should be kept as confidential and safe as possible in order to minimize the risk of data entry into someone else’s hands. Sending a completed editable doc as an unsecured attachment to e-mail is not recommended. It is much more reliable to send it by mail, delivery by hand or in file attached to the password via e-mail.