What is W-9 document and how it’s used?

Federal documents W-9 were developed by Internal Revenue Service. The bureau uses the forms to check whether self-employed individuals and companies that provide services pay all the taxes they owe.

Where to download W-9 blank PDF?

There are several ways to get the blank:

Where to find? What you’ll receive?
On our website You’ll be able to get free editable PDF and the tools to complete the paper digitally with electronic signature. If you need a hard copy, you can download printable W-9 form for free and save it in Word or PDF.
In the inquiry letter The requester will usually attach the blank to the letter.
On IRS website You’ll get a free paper to download

Always make sure that you use the latest 2020 form version.

What information is required to fill tax document W-9 USA

You’ll need such data:

  • legal name;
  • trade name (optional);
  • entity type;
  • address, city, state and ZIP code;

You’ll also have to sign the paper in the Certification section and place current date in the appropriate line.

Are there any deadlines?

There are no actual deadlines for the form, but you have to deliver it before the inquiring party will issue 1099-MISC or any other 1099 they need to report the payments to you. If you fail to do so or use a wrong TIN, you’ll have to pay a $50 fine and you’ll become a subject to backup withholding.

If you don’t have TIN, write “APPLIED” in the appropriate section and get it as soon as possible. You can find all the application types available in the Instructions part.