Which parts includes the W-9 form
When writing in documentary, it is necessary to pay special attention to the identity information that you designate in the preamble. Printable W-9 form personal data means:
- Your full name (concerning legal entities) / surname, appellative and patronymic (concerning individuals) indicated out in your income tax declaration on behalf of individuals;
- The brand name / name “Disregarded entity”, if the name differs from the one indicated in the previous paragraph;
- Then only one field need to be filled. If your organization is a limited liability company (LLC), tick the “Limited liability company” field, and also write “C”, “S” or “P” in a separate field “Enter the tax classification”;
- The code of the ‘Exempt payee code’ recipient and the FATCA reporting data (‘Exemption from FATCA reporting code’). Note: if you have questions regarding the above codes, please contact your government contribution advisor;
- Your full address, starting with the street name in the first column. Indicate the city, country and / or state and postal code in the second column;
- Do not enter all account gages, because it can limit the online mode of these accounts and perhaps you will need to provide another form concerning your other accounts.
Form W-9 Part 1
The First Part of blank is the taxpayer gage (Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)). In this part, you should specify:
- Towards individuals / individual entrepreneurs: Social Security gage (SSN);
- For legal entities: Employer identification gage (EIN). Note: the current US Taxpayer Identification
- Number (TIN) will always consist of 9 digits.
There are some limitations for the duty identification gage of the taxpayer TIN:
- There should be nothing but figures;
- Can not consist of more than or less than 9 digits;
- Must consist of 9 identical digits, or contains 9 consecutive digits (ascending or descending)
If you do not have a TIN and you intend to apply for it, or you have already applied for it, please indicate “Applied for” in the “Social Security Number” or “Employer Identification Number” box. You will have 60 days to submit your TIN number.
Form W-9 Part 2
The second part is Certification. Please sign this printable form and set the date. If you sign this document on behalf of a legal entity, you must confirm that you are authorized to sign on behalf of a legal entity. Note: this document can not be signed by proxy, unless it is specifically indicated in the power of attorney that the attorney has the right to sign tax documents or contribution papers (and a copy of the power of attorney is provided) or an alternative option – if the IRS tax paper 2848 is provided.